Stamp Duty for Agreement of Sale
1. Mai 2022

Stamp Duty for Agreement of Sale – Understanding the Basics

When it comes to purchasing or selling a property, one of the crucial steps that one must follow is executing an agreement of sale. An agreement of sale is a legal document that outlines the terms and conditions of the property sale between the buyer and the seller. However, many people tend to overlook the importance of stamp duty when it comes to executing an agreement of sale. In this article, we will discuss what stamp duty is and why it is essential for an agreement of sale.

What is Stamp Duty?

Stamp duty is a tax that is levied by the government on legal documents such as agreements, deeds, and contracts. It is a form of revenue for the government, and the rate of stamp duty varies from state to state in India. Stamp duty is payable by the buyer or the seller of the property, depending on the state`s laws.

Why is Stamp Duty Important for an Agreement of Sale?

An agreement of sale is a legal document that is required to be stamped as per the laws of the state where the property is being sold. The stamp duty levied on the agreement of sale is calculated based on the property`s value and the prevailing rates of stamp duty in the state.

If an agreement of sale is not stamped, it becomes an invalid document in the eyes of the law. Moreover, if the stamp duty on the agreement of sale is not paid or is paid insufficiently, the government can impose a penalty on the buyer or the seller. In some cases, the agreement of sale may even become unenforceable in court.

How to Calculate Stamp Duty for an Agreement of Sale?

Stamp duty is calculated based on the market value of the property or the consideration mentioned in the agreement of sale, whichever is higher. The stamp duty rates vary from state to state and can also differ based on the type of property. In some states, stamp duty rates are higher for properties that are being sold to non-residents or foreigners.

Stamp duty is generally paid through a demand draft or a banker`s cheque in favor of the government authorities. The buyer or the seller is required to submit the stamped agreement of sale to the government authorities within a specified time frame.


In conclusion, stamp duty is a crucial aspect of executing an agreement of sale. It is essential to understand the stamp duty rates and laws of the state where the property is being sold to avoid any legal complications. The stamp duty on an agreement of sale must be paid on time and in full to ensure that the agreement is legally valid and enforceable in court. As a buyer or a seller of a property, it is important to consult a legal expert or a professional to understand the stamp duty laws and requirements in detail.